Monday: research

Tuesday: discuss about our researches and make prototypes

Wednesday: finish the prototype and make a presentation

Thursday: presentation
In 2050, the soil will be exhausted and the nutritional value in the soil will no longer be sufficient to take good care of the parks. one park or tree has too little water and the other has too little sun. plants that need little and grow easily overgrow the other species, creating an unapproachable swamp.
The light on earth is polluted by our way of life and the pollution of the cities.
We need plants to purify the air.
Only the light from the north and south pole can still be seen as pure light. As a result, plants in the cities no longer grow. We are going to get the light from the north and south pole here by catching the light there and using it for the plants.
In most plants, the leaves are the main food factories. They capture the sun's energy with the help of chlorophyll in the leaf cells. The chlorophyll traps and packages the energy from the light of the sun in a process called photosynthesis. Leaves usually have a large surface so they can collect the most sunlight.
The sun collector would be planted on the north pole. The white parts are light sensitive, they contain chlorophyll. Plants use chlorophyll to retain light so they can use it for photosynthesis. After the sun collector has been able to capture enough light, we take it back to the Netherlands. Here we can use it to fuel our plants who otherwise would't get enough sunlight to survive.